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a Better Marriage

Expedition Marriage Christian counseling and marriage coaching - 2023 Logo

We’re Chris and Jamie Bailey, Christian Counselors and Marriage Coaches, and we want to help you enjoy the journey of marriage!

No matter what stage of marriage you’re in, we’ll help you find joy, satisfaction, connection, and restoration. We want you to have the marriage God intended for you to have, and we’re here to show you the way!

If you’re married,

you’re in the right place!


We’re Chris and Jamie Bailey, Christian Counselors and Marriage Coaches, and we want to help you enjoy the journey of marriage!

Christian counselor and marriage coach Chris & Jamie Bailey


No matter what stage of marriage you’re in, we’ll help you find joy, satisfaction, connection, and restoration. We want you to have the marriage God intended for you to have, and we’re here to show you the way!


If you’re married…

you’re in the right place!


30 Day Praying for Your Husband and 30 Day Praying for Your Wife Challenges free email challenges helping you have a Christ-centered marriage that honors God
Christian Counseling and Marriage Coaching at Expedition Marriage
Books and Courses along with Free resources and free prayer challenges from Expedition Marriage
YouVersion Bible App Bible Plans written by Jamie Bailey, Masters in Professional Counseling who is a Christian marriage counselor and marriage coach with Expedition Marriage
Marriage Reboot Weekend Intensive to start a year long process of discovering and living out your marriage's purpose
Advice, articles, and blogs offering marriage help and marriage advice to help you have a healthy marriage that is Christ-centered and joy filled
Expedition Marriage Podcast with Chris & Jamie Bailey, Master level Christian counselors and Marriage coaches providing help to live a God-centered marriage
What’s New
What’s New

On Sale Now!

Learning How to Forgive Christian devotional , that contains 52 weekly devotionals and a collection of 25 practical tools and exercises used in Christian counseling to help readers apply the principles of forgiveness in everyday life

Learning How to Forgive

A Devotional of Prayers and Practices to Release Negative Emotions and Achieve True Forgiveness



    Relatable biblical messages and honest prayers to accompany you on your forgiveness journey


    Simple steps to draw you closer to the Lord and deepen understanding through God’s will and love


    Skills to incorporate into everyday life that will help you reroute negative and cyclical thoughts

Marriage Reboot Weekend Intensive

weekend intensive marriage reboot for couples needing purpose for their marriage

Are you longing for clarity and a sense of purpose for your marriage? Would you like to have guidelines for all of your decision-making as a couple? Would you love to have greater intimacy? If so, you may benefit from a Marriage Reboot Weekend Intensive…

find out more

YouVersion Bible Plan Profile Page for Expedition Marriage

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YouVersion Bible Plan Profile Page for Expedition Marriage

Find us on the YouVersion Bible App

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YouVersion Bible Plan Profile Page for Expedition Marriage

Do you feel like you are all alone in your marriage?

Are your schedules so busy with work and taking care of your family that you are simply too tired to connect?

Wouldn't it be great if you could move from exhausted and alone to connected and supported?

To feel like you were part of a team?

Only $49.99.

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