Blogs for Your Marriage
Are You Feeling Desperate For Love?
When I was a little girl growing up in a dysfunctional family, I struggled to feel loved. It seemed as if love had to...
Remember THIS When All Help Feels Lost
Have you ever been in a hard season where most of your prayers are spent asking God to intervene and do something to...
Building a Strong Marriage: The Foundation of Love and Commitment
Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, and if you're wise, one BIG God. At one point, you were once two...
Why Your Communication Might Be Failing
You may not be aware of this, but much of the fighting you might be doing likely has its roots in poor communication. Because of its prevalence, we want to share some of the most common issues that make communication ineffective.
3 Areas in Your Marriage Where You Need Boundaries
I recently read a quote from Lysa Terkeurst: "When a boundary is violated, bad behavior will be validated.” This could...
Conflict Strategies That Don’t Work in Your Marriage
When it comes to conflict in my marriage, I will be honest and tell you that our first several years of marriage were rough. My sweet husband was very conflict-avoidant and felt like every argument was the beginning of the end. I, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. I had no problem running head-on into conflict and was known to start much of it.
How to Deal With a Grumpy Spouse
Is your spouse a grump? That can be so frustrating. Even when their grumpiness might be valid and stemming from...
5 Ways to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Marriage
Keeping the spark alive in your relationship is important to every healthy and thriving marriage.
Are You Sharing These 7 Things in Your Marriage?
The truth is that healthy marriages have two individuals that share with each other. Regarding marriage, holding back certain things should not be the norm.
Hey Mom and Dad! What You Model in Your Marriage Matters
Mom and Dad, your modeling matters because those little eyes are watching, and you’re the most influential people in their lives. Take that role seriously and teach your kids how to soar in this life without a lid!
Winning the Real Marriage Battle
Married life isn’t always easy, and it’s a guarantee that this wonderful person you married entered your marriage with some flaws; flaws that have come and gone, flaws that have increased, and flaws that drive you nuts
Building Spiritual Intimacy
Spiritual intimacy is the glue that holds couples together. When you started your relationship and marriage, it likely...
3 Things Your Marriage Counselor Won’t Tell You
As a Marriage Counselor....As a marriage counselor, I got into this field because I love people and I am a huge...
Working Through Forgiveness & Finding Joy Again
Have you ever been betrayed or hurt so deeply that the pain is the only thing you can think about? Your heart and mind...
Help! My Spouse Has Depression
Relatively soon after the pandemic hit rates of depression (and anxiety) tripled. And if that wasn’t bad enough, here we are a few years later and those rates have still been climbing beyond that.
A Simple Way to Create Family Memories
If you’re in the middle of raising a family and your home is filled with noise, laughter, chaos, and busyness, then...
The Key To Having Healthy Conflict
I remember entering marriage so excited to have finally found the one who will complete me. The knowing that all we...
How to Know if Your Spouse is Really Sorry
Your spouse has done something wrong. Maybe they’ve said something hurtful, lied to you, or forgot to do that thing...